Here’s more from Wikipedia’s Manual of Style/Words to Watch, followed by my own examples of sneaky rhetoric. What makes the rhetoric sneaky is its use of insinuation to instill bias in the mind of the reader (or listener). Insofar as this bias takes hold under the radar of one’s awareness, it interferes with clear-headed examination of the matter at hand. Source: (accessed on 8/25/15 at 3:41pm).

Expressions of doubt

“Examples: supposed, apparent, purported, alleged, accused, so-called ..."

"Words such as supposed, apparent, alleged and purported can imply that a given point is inaccurate, although alleged and accused are appropriate when wrongdoing is asserted but undetermined, such as with people awaiting or undergoing a criminal trial; when these are used, ensure that the source of the accusation is clear. So-called can mean commonly named, falsely named, or contentiously named, and it can be difficult to tell these apart. Simply called is preferable for the first meaning; detailed and attributed explanations are preferable for the others.

Punctuation can also be used for similar effects: quotation marks, when not marking an actual quote, may indicate that the writer is distancing herself or himself from the otherwise common interpretation of the quoted expression; the use of emphasis may turn an innocuous word into a loaded expression. Such occurrences should also be avoided.”

Synonyms for said

“Examples: reveal, point out, expose, explain, find, note, observe, insist, speculate, surmise, claim, assert, admit, confess, deny, clarify..."

"Said, stated, described, wrote, and according to are almost always neutral and accurate. Extra care is needed with more loaded terms. For example, to write that a person clarified, explained, exposed, found, pointed out, or revealed something can imply that it is true, where a neutral account might preclude such an endorsement. To write that someone insisted, noted, observed, speculated, or surmised can suggest the degree of the speaker's carefulness, resoluteness, or access to evidence when that is unverifiable.

To write that someone asserted or claimed something can call their statement's credibility into question, by emphasizing any potential contradiction or implying a disregard for evidence. Similarly, be judicious in the use of admit, confess, and deny, particularly of living people, because these verbs can convey guilt when that is not a settled matter.”

Other examples of sneaky rhetoric

Here are some of my own examples of words that aim to create an impression, to bias for and against, without contributing useful information:

Whine: Conveys selfishness, self-pity, being spoiled and small-minded

Be inconvenienced: implies an expressed concern is based on the desire for convenience and an unwillingness to give up comfort and selfish ways.

Rant: Indulgent and unthinking

Hysterical: Out-of-control emotions (as opposed to "passionate" if you happen to agree with the speaker)

Rambling: the flow of words become an associative chain with little relation to reality

So-called: some descriptor is not legitimate

Hype: nefarious others are exaggerating

Nefarious [sarcasm]

Wrack and ruin [sarcasm]

Scare Tactics: reducing warnings of potential danger to motivation to frighten

Orthodox: accepted as truth by blind sheep (not to be confused with “the consensus”, which conveys authority but not the type to be questioned)