Tropes of Derision are mocking words and phrases used by The Unsympathetic Observer to frame its object as unworthy of respect or compassion. This is the first of an occasional series.

Whine: selfish and self-pitying.

Be inconvenienced: implies opposition is based on convenience and people’s unwillingness to give up their comfort and selfish ways (see: An Inconvenient Truth). Those who resist our message are not principled – they’re just spoiled and lazy.

Rant:  all sound and fury, signifying nothing. Can be used to dismiss anything said with a degree of passion.

Hysterical:  characterized by emotion uninformed by reason or reality. Can be used to dismiss anything said with a degree of passion.

Rambling: nothing being said here, just a bunch of words strung together. No need to pay attention.

So-called: obviously not correctly called

Hype: don’t believe it

Nefarious: always used sarcastically, to highlight the absurdity of an over-reaction by the Idiots

Greed: wanting more than one needs, applied selectively

Orthodox or Conventional: hidebound, unimaginative, conformist (as opposed to the Consensus, which is something we should respect).